40k Funko Rubric Marines

Mharek stood astounded, staring at the warped space marine standing statue-still in front of him. Was Tzeentch mocking him? Did something go wrong during the conjuration? Whatever the cause, the being looked like a regular rubric marine, but the proportions were all...

Slaaneshi Preview

Dravac adopted a defensive stance, power sword thrumming with energy in his left hand. Not his preferred hand, but given his right hand lay severed at his feet it was his only option. He stood slightly hunched, his once gleaming Silver Swords battle plate now wore...

Update: Noise Marines

The Blissful Symphony are a small cadre of Noise Marines wholly dedicated to the Prince of Pleasure. Formerly space marines of the Sons of Macragge up until late M39, these renegades have given their minds, souls and bodies to Slaanesh.Much like Noise marines of other...

I’ve started another army!

Well, when I say 'new army', I mean I've started a new version of an existing army. The new Chaos models were just too good to resist, but rather than another Tzeentch force, I thought I'd sample the Slaaneshi side of things.This army will have a very wild colour...