The importance of dedicated hobby space

For as long as I have been building and painting miniatures, I have had to make due with my office doubling as my hobby space.  It was a workable, if unideal situation.  For one thing, it meant that when I needed to work, my desk was cluttered with hobby stuff.  When...

Breaking Blogging’s #1 rule

I try to never make excuses for not posting in a while, because it’s generally bad form, and roughly 90% of blog posts in the world are apologies for not posting regularly. But I’m going to sort of cheat and sneak an apology into this post along with an...

What Chapter are those Marines?

In the last few days I’m come across an abnormal number of excellently painted Space Marines on various blogs, with one large looming flaw: no chapter markings. I’ve seen scouts that are “Raven Guard”. Marines that are, uh…black. And Red. I...

The Force Org Chart Still Exists.

I’m thrilled with finding out about the new “Unbound” format of 40k and the many reasons why deserve a longer post, but to the people who are upset by this, here’s my suggestion for how to look at this edition update: You’re not losing...

Top 5 Hearthstone Cards for Beginners

As you start your Hearthstone journey, you’re going to need to come to terms with your generally limited access to cards at the beginning. But very quickly you will start adding cards, and it’s good to know what common neutral cards are worth their salt in...