Painting Blood Angels: No Substitutes for Experience

I’ve been getting numerous requests for paint “recipes” for my Raptors and Blood Angels of late; here are both recipes: Raptors: Black undercoat Airbrush: Knarloc Green Castellan or Catachan Green Agrax Wash Athonian Camoshade Wash Deathworld Green...

More Alkemy

The more of these figures I paint the more I am in awe of them. These are literally the nicest figures I’ve ever owned, and I own Infinity models. It’s hard to articulate what I like about them so much, but for starters the technical level of the sculpt is...

Privateer Press: I’m coming around.

This past week I’ve been taking a second look at Privateer Press. Well, to be more accurate it’s probably a fourth or fifth or tenth look. Privateer Press’s games have long held no appeal for me, in spite of me really really wanting to support them....

Adeptus Sororitas: Need a color scheme

So, I’ve decided to get around to working on the 20 or so sisters I’ve had sitting unpainted on my shelf for the past year, having stripped them in Simple Green with the intention of giving them a non 12 year old paint job. I have to say, as much as the...
More Alkemy

More Alkemy

More of some of the finest miniatures ever made–this time a Templar Novice and a Thunder Toad Warrior. The Toad isn’t quite done, but I’m pretty pleased with the Novice.