Codex: Inquisition–super excited!

I’ve been waiting for a codex like this forever, no literally since I was a kid.  If you’re thinking this is just a cut/paste job from Grey Knights you’re missing the boat on this one; the force organization here is really radically different and the...

Hobby Websites of Interest

I’ve commented in the past that I’m pretty awful with my web skills, although I am slowly improving. I will get a blogroll going soon, but in the mean time I wanted to share with you some of the blogs that I have been following with great interest. In my...

Alkemy: I love French miniatures.

This is going to be a recurring motif of this site in coming months as I start to write about various games, but the French know how to do games. Seriously. I’ve finally worked up the courage to start painting my Alkemy figures, which are easily some of my...

Angels of Redemption: Combat Squad

I finished these guys a while ago but forgot to post them.  I got some custom printed decals to make them look like proper Angels of Redemption because I am fussy about my chapters having the proper markings.  I think the transfers look pretty awesome!  I was scared...