My Painted Maximus….

Ahhhh you probably guessed this one was coming as the general.While a cool model, its also another of the major disappointments with Warlord Games and their scale issues.  I'm actually kind of glad that I am basically done with them.This miniature really does not...

Some of the New Painted Roman Command Models

This is the first Footsore model.  I really like the pose of this guy to be one of my Generals.Just a super storytelling like pose.I like how it turned out.Below is another of my converted generals.  This one uses a GW Empire head of all things.  I...

Roman Commanders…

So these are hold overs from the previous army.  Both are metal Foundry models with Warlord shields.  The one has a bit of battle damage and will be going back to the Painting Table for some touchup.Glad I kept these two models.still more to come on the...