Sometimes you are Chosen! Chaos

I've always thought this was a rather cool looking figure, but I never liked its left hand.So I replaced it with this 40k chaos bit, instant improvement that made want to paint this model.I painted him the same time as the Khorne Lord, hence the paint scheme. ...

Gaius Marius – Foundry Painted Model

 This is a model that I wanted to like, until I had one and started painting.  Don't get me wrong its an easy model to paint, it is just not a very appealing model.  I like the pose, but the sculpt is too short and squat.  And quite honestly...

Harry the Hammer – My version

Chaos miniatures in a fantasy setting from Warhammer always have this cool look about them.  They are just barbaric in appearance.This model has that look.The cape and sword sheath are really the only major let downs in my opinion.  I have had this model for...

Roman Auxiliaries Finished Unit

You saw in a previous post the finished Centurion and Optio.  Well, here finally is the entire unit of the Victrix Romans.I'm still not quite done with the movement tray, but I think the unit turned out awesome.  Victrix nailed it.Transfers are from Little...