Bray-Shaman Painted …. Bet you did not see that coming

 Wow.  Its been a while since I gave my beastmen any love.  Honestly this miniature, I have had partially painted for years, like probably a decade.  Found it in a box, I just got around to finishing it up.I have been toying with the idea of...


 A new one for me is painting a Medusa.  This the second time I have painted a Reaper Bones model, and it will likely be the last time as well.  Not really a fan of that material, price is cheap and that is not always a good thing.  I've been...

April – WIP on the Desk

 30+ models are on that desk at various stages of completion.  Definitely making some head way on most of them.  A good chunk of the Warhammer Chaos models once done will be going up for sale.  The Romans are going to into my Roman army.  I...

Painted Victrix Roman Auxiliaries – Centurion and Optio

Still working on what I showed in the last post on my desk.  I'll have an update on that very soon.  I've been busy doing some dry-walling in my house upstairs bathroom and normal work has been busy.  Little bit sidetracked with some other things.On to...

WIP on the Desk is Back!

 Well my getting back to painting some miniatures has been a bit delayed and bit sidetracked.  Been drawing and inking a bit.  Also been working on my house and such as well.  And then my actual job kept me really busy with some deadlines. ...