Old Space Marine Conversions

 A compilation video of a number of Space Marine conversions that I have done over the years.  Granted most all of this was before you young guys had all of those fancy and cool bits by GW.  

Chaos Marauders Part 1 – Video

 Update on my long neglected Youtube Channel....this is a video collage of the Mutant Marauders.  More of this to follow:  https://youtu.be/d8T_s5oOLgY

Some more Banners for my Vikings.

So I have some new bannerman.  The first one is an old Saxon Miniatures now part of Warlord Games with a LBMS massive banner.  I really enjoyed painting this figure.  Very awesome miniature to paint.Wow this new update to Blogger royally...

Olaf and another Viking….

Some more vikings.  One more of them a Footsore miniature.  The one with the horn is a Gripping Beast metal miniature.  The one below is a converted Olaf Footsore Miniature using a Gripping Beast Plastic head.The wolves on the shield are actually 40k...