by PsychosisPC | Jun 27, 2020
This is like the second time I have painted an Avatar's of War Dwarf. He is a spunky little guy flipping the bird.Fun miniature to paint. I don't think photo taking is very good on him, but its about the best my ancient digital camera can do until I...
by PsychosisPC | Jun 21, 2020
Wow I really love what Victrix is doing these days. This miniature is a fine example of their great looking plastics line. Absolutely love these models, detail is great and so are the poses and parts. I bought the box set for characters for my...
by PsychosisPC | Jun 14, 2020
I've had these quite awhile from Warlord Games. I originally had bought them to use as Auxiliaries, but then I really did not care for all of the poses and quite honestly the Victrix models put them to shame. I think they turned out pretty good in paint,...
by PsychosisPC | Apr 11, 2020
When I first saw this miniature I was like, I have to have that. But the casting is quite rough and makes for a tough miniature to paint. It's a fun looking and mean miniature. Not overly happy with it, but its another miniature in the collection.
by PsychosisPC | Apr 4, 2020
These are some kit bashes that I put together. I believe the horses are from Perry Miniatures, the rider bodies are Conquest Games Normans, and the heads are Gripping Beast Saxons and a GW Bretonian. Really cool miniatures to paint. It's been...