Adepticon Cancelled….

Adepticon-2020-is-cancelled  Sad to see that, but I get it.  This pandemic is dreadful to see, see what its doing to people. But anyways about Adepticon, it has been a long while since I been down to that event, a lot of things have changed.  I was...

Dang! A Second Night Goblin….WTH!

Yea I know.  I promise, this is the last Night Goblin.  No more after this one....that I'm aware of. Like the other one, yes this was sitting on my desk partially painted for 5+ years.  We can call it done.

Eww! A Night Goblin …. What the heck PPC?

 Yea, I know.  You were not expecting that.  Well started painting this miniature like 5+ years ago and then it sat on the desk. So I was finishing up some things the other day and decided this needed to get done. I was originally doing this...

Painted Undead Hunter from Reaper

I finished up another hunter of the undead.  This is a cool miniature.  A lot of neat detail on him.  The miniature has some sort of GW inspired things going on with it. Love the armor on it, its well sculpted and has good relief to make it easy to...

Gorak the Ravager!!!

Another awesome Reaper Miniature.  This is Gorak the ravager.  Another barbarian model that I originally was going to use with the mutant marauders as well, like the last one.Look at the size of that axe.  If I would have had this in the chaos army, I...