Viking Swordsman and Converted Dane Axes…

 This is one of the former Saxon Miniatures' Viking Warlords, now a Warlord Games model. I have two versions of this model.  I think its a semi-cool looking model, but its to linear.  The second model I'm likely going to at least bend the shield...

The first War Games Foundry Viking Unit….

Well more like a just an assembly of a lot of my painted Foundry Vikings.  They are fun models. I do have to say I really enjoyed the beards on these guys, I've always struggled sculpting beards on my guys and they definitely gave me ideas on what I was...

Converted Viking Warlord

 Colin at Saxon Miniatures I think got a bit of crap about the huge head on this Viking Warlord that he had sculpted.  Note that mine does not have that head.  I did not like the size of that melon either, but I truly liked the pose.  I also...

This Viking said he had a Gift for Me

I told him to please return to whoever it belongs to......It's a plastic Gripping Beast conversion miniature. The cape is from the Fireforge Knights.As always more to follow.