VIKINGS!!! Another Painted Group

 I definitely churning them out.  This one is kind of a unit, definitely not in a finished deal as I have some cool models in the back for fillers.The front rank though is quite cool.  The first guy is a converted Warlord Games Barbarian, next to a...

2nd Painted Saxon Unit!!! Finally…

 Yep...this is the second fully painted Saxon unit.  All Gripping Beasts plastics comprised of Saxons and converted Dark Ages for the Fryd. This one actually has a dracco banner, I still need to make the banner for the other unit. A mix of shield...

Cooooolll Painted Viking Bondi!!

 A Gripping Beast Plastics conversion, using the Dark Ages models with the Viking models. I do like this guy. The cape add definitely helped.More to follow....

Terrain Bits

Just adding some things to my collection for basement play: Yea I know the shield is not finished.