Painted!! Shaedra the Paladin

This is another of those interesting Reaper Miniatures.  Fun to paint.  Like the little hand-crossbow thing. Yea another blonde.  I think my reds and leathers turned out pretty good. The back of this mini just flows so well.There you have...

I miss Saxon Miniatures….

 Another painted warlord from Saxon Miniatures.  Yea I know they are now part of Warlord Games, but is that a good thing?  Will they ever have Colin sculpt some more miniatures?But anyways, this is a cool miniature and fun to paint.   Nothing...

Painted Berserker

 Ah the bearskin...I truly love this pose from Saxon Miniatures.  The bearskin is genius. There is what I like about the post that sort of lunge thing going on.

Painted Kassandra of the Blade

 Dang! this a fun miniature to paint.  Super dynamic, Werner Klonke scuplt from Reaper Miniatures. Lots of cool leather.  Good flow to it.I've had this model for a few years, don't know why I did not paint it sooner. Just look at the flow of it....

Another Viking by Saxon

One of the things I loved about the Saxon Miniatures Viking Warlords were all the interesting poses for regal looking miniatures. This is one of those. The only thing I wish I would have fixed was to brown stuff that cape, the casting was a bit rough.