Painted Viking Bondi Unit

 Back in my WAB playing days, I ran a Viking army that was all Hirdmen with archers.  I really needed a unit or 4 of these Bondi. So here they finally are.   I finally got around to finishing them up.I think they turned out well.  Mostly...

Another Warlord for my Vikings

 I'm enjoying the character models.  This will be one of them, an old Foundry Miniatures model.Scale on him is a little small, so I did raise him on the base a little bit to help his short stature. Lots of mail to paint, but that's okay.

Painted Blood Rage Viking

 For being a relatively cheap plastic game piece, I'm rather surprised how well it paints up. Yea this mini once had a massive spear, but that was so badly warped and I could not get it to straighten out.  So plastic is your friend and convert it...

A variety of Dane Axe Miniatures Painted

 I've been painting away on various minis that I have lying around.  I have a bunch of Dane Axe and Berserkers modeled up.  The one above is a Gripping Beast metal.  The one below is a Saxon Miniatures now part of Warlord Games.Then this one below...