Finished Viking Terrain Piece

Finally back to hobby time.  Sorry, I've been away for a while.  But my Viking project is back in full swing.  This time I have a hall for my warriors to reside in.  I think this piece turned out okay.  It the first time I have used teddy bear...

LOLA oh Lola….Yep another Painted Mini

A few years back I purchased a few Reaper Miniatures that I never got around to painting until now.  This the first of that batch, minus the huge terrain piece that comes with the mini.  This is Lola.Base is resin base.  I did use some Water Scenic...

Painted finally….Valhallan Officer OOP

This poor miniature has been sitting in a box in my closet and on my desk well over a decade.  So I finally got around to sling paint on it.  I think it turned out okay considering I have not painted in a while.