Work In Progress – More Vikings

Yes I'm still going and have a whole bunch of minis on the desk in progress.I always know that I'm painting Vikings or Saxons that damn near every paint bottle I own is on my desk. This all pre-wash.  So yep, Secret Weapon's washes are up next this morning.

Some Warhammer 40k Black Templars Art

One of my older pen, brush and ink drawings from a few years ago.  Very stylized metal.  I'm practicing with my pencil drawing and changing my style that used a few years ago.

The Punisher

A smallish cropped scan of a piece that I inked over the classic Mike Zeck Marvel Punisher piece.  I've always loved this piece as a kid.  So I thought it was time to see how my inks looked over it.  Now I have a 10x15 piece for a poster without having...