Been awhile….More in the works

Well I took a bit of a break from posting for a bit.  I'm still painting away on miniatures and have a ton of stuff done in the can and more in various stages as winter comes to an end.  I've also started sketching and drawing once again and have a few...

Saxon Miniatures Acquired by Warlord Games

Part of me is not happy to see this.  Another part of me understands why it occurred and thinks it is a positive thing.  Hopefully, Warlord Games gives it and Collin full backing and gets its act together to move full force into periods its essentially...

Converting the Perry Crusaders

A little something that I wrote up for use by Wargames Illustrated.  Its about the time when I was crazy enough to convert some beautiful Perry Bros. miniatures in to a time period that moved along a little bit in to the future, so to speak. ...

Early Imperial Roman Legionaries – Victrix Product Review

I'm definitely into EIR and I like plastic models.  I was very much into the EIR's that Warlord Games released a few years ago despite their short comings, pun intended.  Back then I thought they had good detail despite a couple of poses having some serious...