Another MAN DOWN! 2

 Saxon Thegn this time.  Actually its a crusader from the Perry Brothers' line.  Cool miniature line.   This in particular is a cool piece that I have had for a long while.  Nice to get it done.

Kill the King!

My Jarl got a little bit blood thirsty and decided to take it out on a Saxon king in this piece. This is a fun piece.  The miniatures of the Jarl and his downed opponent are Old Glory miniatures.  The dynamic Viking protecting him while he is doing his...

First of the Saxons

 I have the last batches of the plastic Gripping Beast saxons on my paint table currently, a couple big units of them.  These are the first ones that complete. Some back ranks of Fryd spearmen.  The Gripping Beast Dark Ages plastics are okay...

Sometimes You Need to Pray

 This is one of the Perry Brothers' monks that I painted up for my Saxons.Actually was kind of fun painting up this miniature.  Big change from what I have been painting.

The Storage Bin is Full!

Yea....I think its time the Crusaders find a new storage bin, as the Dark Ages will soon have Saxons getting added to it.