Work In Progress on the Desk: Shields!!!

Oh know when I'm doing shields in huge bunches that new miniatures are coming....Some these are my hand painted, some are Little Big Men Studios, and some are Battle Flag....can you tell?....

SAGA’s King Alfred….

I enjoy the Saxon tales from Bernard Cornwell.  A while back I picked up this Gripping Beast Alfred model before I picked up the Saxon Miniatures models. Least to say I'm kind of disappointed by the model.  Its not a great sculpt, its better than the...

Anglo-Danish Warlord Hereward

 This is the Gripping Beast, Hereward model.  Man this is an ugly miniature and really poorly concieved in my opinion.  The face is flat, the cape is even worse. Gripping Beast really missed it on this miniature.  Not the shield he is carrying...

A Viking Warlord for Saga

 I just finished up this miniature in one of the last groups that I painted.  Its my own build and conversion of a Plastic Gripping Beast Miniature with a variety of parts and pieces added to it. I really like how this model turned out.  The pose...