Mounted Centurion Conversion – Painted

I think that I got this idea from a Simon Scarrow novel where Cato was mounted up, not sure.But anyways I had a bunch of bits lying around mainly from the Victrix Generals kit.  The spear is from the Greeks.I normally do not do black horses, they are just a paint...

Roman Cavalry Unit B – Painted

The Decurion is leading this unit.  I enjoyed putting these models together  again and painting them.I think they turned out pretty awesome.  Movement tray borrowed from y Beastmen again.Shield transfers are LBMS.Much more to follow soon..... 

Painted Skeleton Unit

What, I thought you were all about Romans PPC?  What the heck!  Well not always, even I need a break from the Romans.  So here is a painted unit of GW's skeletons.  For skeletons they are pretty awesome kit, perhaps a bit too stylized for some...

An old mounted Roman General – Painted Victrix model

The Victrix generals kit is an awesome box set, but most people won't need all of those models.  This is one of my keepers, a general.The figure is pretty neat, I did give him a spear from a left over Victrix Greek kit.The shield is one of my hand painted...

Roman Cavalry Unit A – Painted

I really like the Victrix cavalry kit.  The horse are awesome, the riders are cool looking.I really enjoyed putting these together and painting them.I'm not big into painting horses but the Victrix horses are very cool.The movement tray is just a left over tray...