Old Stuff Wednesday – October: A racey Eldar Falcon

Wow...this was a long time ago.  I stumbled across these photos the other day looking at old stuff.  This probably circa 2000 or earlier... It was absolutely my favorite model from the Eldar range, just a really cool set of lines and design. I also really...

Old Stuff Wednesday: Ultramarine Captain (Now OOP)

This is an old one, about 2002 for me.  I picked it up back then because I liked the Roman Centurion overtones.  I was probably the first time that I really tried to do some blending. GW's spacemarines have really come a long ways since these OOP metals. Ah...

Old Stuff Wednesday: The Cerulean Templar

My first Cerulean Templar Emperor's Champion.  A lot of conversion work on this model dating back to around 2001. I used a few Bretonian parts, but the bulk of the model was my green stuff sculpting in the Head, band around the head, the robe, the mail, and a...

Another WIP On the Desk: More Dark Ages and Saxons

These will be leaving the desk a little bit later today.  Still have some detailing and eyeballs to do yet.  Above you see some of the skirmishers that I'm working on, and to the right a couple of Saxons.Below a few Saxons and a couple of Vikings. ...

More WIP on the Desk: Dark Ages 40k Inquisitor Knight

Okay so the title makes little sense until you see the pictures.I've made a little progress on the Inquisitor that has been sitting on my desk.  Getting closer.  The base is looking pretty cool.  I have probably close to 30 miniatures sitting on the...