Alpha Legion becomes the 4Kbench

A blog that I'm following update:  One of the blogs that I have followed for quite awhile is the Alpha Legion now named the 4Kbench.  There is some very good conversion and paint work on it.  Very much worth following:4Kbench

WIP on the Desk: Casaulties

The archers, well most of them, have cleared the desk and are in the container for getting shot with clear.  So I'm clearing a few more off of the desk.  Most of these are casualties and markers.   I think these all turned out pretty cool. ...

WIP on the Desk: Archers Part 2

Along with a few other warriors and some priests.  I'm making good progress on these this holiday weekend.  Still have all of the washes and metal work to do yet, but getting close. The Conquest Games archers are interesting to paint.  I like the...

WIP On the Desk….Archers and Bring Me Your Dead

 I'm back painting for a bit, working on getting some dark ages archers painted for my Vikings and other such things.  These are the Conquest Games Archers, along with some random Vikings.  They are painting up fairly well.Below is variety of dead...