Saxon Miniature’s Saxon Warlords Review

 I love the viking warlords that Saxon Miniatures has.  Having started painting my Saxon army, I decided to pickup their Warlords to add a bit more character to the army. This is a pretty cool selection of miniatures.  Not all of them are pictured...

WIP On the Desk…. Viking Warlord

 I saw this Warlord Games Celt chieftan a few years ago.  I always thought it would make a good viking model.  I recently picked it up on a sale.  A couple little conversions and here we are. Look forward to painting this model.

Old Stuff Wednesday: OOP Eldar

Now this is truly old, circa 2000.  From my very first army in 40k, some OOP Eldar.  I think these were called Dark Reapers.  Yea, did not really like that army, but everyone started somewhere.

Some Perry Priests…

I'm beginning to paint my Saxons and thought that I really needed some priest/monks.  So I picked up these.  The one I'm going to use with my Crusaders.Very cool models.

Viking Longship…..WIP On the Desk

Been a bit, since I posted any fresh work.  My profession and racing have kind of gotten in the way, but this weekend a bit of hobby time.I've had this Viking ship for a while, and I'm gradually getting a number of terrain pieces ready for expanding my...