Old Stuff Wednesday: Big Screen TV 40k Templar

 Many years back I did a test sketch for one my 40k armies the Cerulean Templars.  I believe the sketch was done in pen &ink, water color, and color pencil. I actually built a spacemarine to look like the concept sketch

Old Stuff Wednesday: Bretonian in a Duel

Another old one, this was a pair of OOP Warhammer Fantasy models.  The Bretonian knight is/was one of GW's cooler looking models.   The skeleton is actually one of their OOP plastic skeletons that I converted special for the duel.  Base was...

Viking Archers in WIP

Really enjoyed building these Conquest Games Archers.  I built them in the thoughts of using them for my Vikings and medieval.  I also did a few very easy conversions to do that. Below you can see two of them that I did with a Gripping Beast Head swap. ...

Some love to Gripping Beast Vikings…

Well Foundry is not the only Vikings on my desk to get finished.  I gave some love to a couple of plastic Gripping Beast Vikings. I do like the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings.  This one has a Battle Flag shield transfer, pretty neat transfer, just as...