Shield Wall…..Spears!!!

Another of the Foundry Vikings.  This one I converted.  The weapon arm had just an ugly weapon on it.  So I used a left over Gripping Beast plastic spear and shield.  Otherwise a very cool looking miniature.  It has a bunch of character to...

Conquest Games Medieval Archers Review

Finally picked up a box of the Conquest Games Medieval Archers.  I've been waiting for this box set, so beware I'm sporting archers now for my armies.  They are 28mm scale plastic models like their other kits.  This is definitely their best effort thus...

More Foundry Vikings finished….

You know when I build armies, I hate repeating poses.  I purchased quite a few Foundy Vikings and ended up with a number of repeats in poses.  So I'm thinning out some of them and putting these extras up for sale on Ebay.  I think they turned out really...

Viking Swordsman Finished

This is the first of a batch of Foundry miniatures that I'm painting.  I don't plan to keep this one as I have a couple of this same pose.  This one is currently up on Ebay for sell.  Pretty cool miniature to paint.  I've recently changed up the...

WIP on the Desk – Vikings! Terrain! Inquisition!

Doing up some Foundry Vikings and a couple of plastic Gripping Beast. Above, played with a paint scheme for my upcoming project on the Stronghold Terrain with this old rotted GW plastic tree. Above, got some work done on the Inquisitor's cape.