Total War-hammer…..

Looks like Total War gets it, whereas I'm not so sure GW even understands their own game.I've pretty much always have enjoyed Total War's games.  This might be a must have....


 Finished up a Gripping Beast Plastic viking that I converted.  This one turned out alright. The base worked out.  The conversion uses a couple of axe arms from GBP.  The sword is from a Victrix greek kit.  Shield arm is a conversion...

Another Finish Painted Arthurian

 Another of the Saxon Miniatures' Arthurian models.  This model was converted by me using a Gripping Beast plastic shield and spear.  Detail is fairly good, with the exception of the face.   Another  fun and easy model to paint.  I think...

Finish Painted Arthurian from Saxon Miniatures

This is one of the Arthurian warlord miniatures from Saxon Miniatures that I received from them as a sample pack.   Pretty cool miniature to paint.  I really love the pose.  Detail is good, but not quite as good as the Viking warlords that I have of...

A Saxon Tooting His Horn

Well I don't know who made this miniature.  I believe it could be just about anything, but not one of my Vikings. Its another of the miniatures that I have painted to attempt to get back in the groove of things.  Its a color scheme that I'm very comfortable...