Painted some Armorcast Terrain

 Finally got around to painting up this terrain.  Some Armorcast ruins.  I purposely did up this terrain rather generic for my gaming table.  I think these pieces turned out pretty cool. Some more corner ruined pieces.  Basically alot of...

Centurion!! …..And other guy….

Hey finally cranking things up a bit. I was never really happy with my previous Romans in my WAB army.  And I recently sold off about half of that army.  My intention is to replace all of the stuff that I was not happy with, with some newer models. ...

Return of Old Stuff Wednesday

Here at the Madhouse Workshop, we like old stuff and old traditions......tune in a bit later for the return of Old Stuff Wednesday, my monthly feature of my old stuff.

New Painted Model: The Roman Emperor in Royal Purple

Well one piece out of about 200+ done.  I've had this Warlord Games Roman Emperor for many years.  Even though I have a Roman army, I don't plan on keeping this model.Fun model to paint, definitely inspired by Gladiator the movie, one of my favorite...