A Viking Giant….well sort of

 I've never painted a 54 mm miniature before.  I saw this cool viking on Ebay for cheap and decided to give it a whirl.  I guess I could always use it to counter giants and ogres in fantasy games.

Another Viking Warlord conversion

Again using the GBP's for this conversion with some other bits.  Arms are slightly rotated.  Added a leather vambrace. Left hand is from a clipped off Warfactory Games arm, same with the arm and hand laying on the base. And below is one cool...

Well its not all Vikings…Some Imperial Guard

...or what ever the hell GW calls them now.  I've had these models for years.  To change up some of the things that I'm painting I decided to get these based up to paint.  The top being a Valhallan HQ model.Below is an mock up of Commissar...

A couple more vikings….

I love those GBP Dark Ages plastic heads.  They look so cool with the Viking armored figures. Again playing with changing up the arm positions.  The mail armor is GS sculpted with a small ball stylus in case you are wondering.  Very tedious to do on...

Blood Rage Vikings….How do they stack up?

Quite well actually.  I'm always skeptical about board game plastic pieces, but these are quite good.  Adrian Smith's art hooked me, then I saw the sculpts and were quite impressed.  The Spear that this model held was way over the top fantasy and quite...