Viking Warlord …

I've had a few ideas on figures and poses that I have not really done using the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings.  So I'm rotating arms and shoulders to open them up a bit more.  This will be a SAGA warlord.  Using various pieces on the base.  Its...

Red Box Games Kick Starter ….Barbarians

Well, with everything I had going on this year health wise, I forgot that I pledged the Red Box Games Kick starter for the "Barbarian Horde".  Typically I'm a Red Box - Tre Manor fan, but I'm not really sure how I feel about the Kickstarter Campaign and the...

A SAGA Saxon Warlord

 This is another model that I have no idea, who manufactured it, believe I got it from my buddy Butcher.  Not something that really appeals to me.  The axe is a just a chunky looking maul.Plan is to paint this up and sell it.  Getting closer to...

A Saga Anglo-Danish War Chieftan

So this is Hereward, the son of the Earl of Mercia, an Anglo-Danish lord.  I bought this miniature with SAGA in mind use a Anglo-Danish lord.  It looked okay in the pics, but upon close examination its not really an appealing model. Detail is pretty flat,...