Saga Warlord

I'm cleaning out the bits box, can't remember where I got this miniature from, but I thought it would be cool to paint it up as a SAGA hq model on a GW 40 mm base. Tree stump is resin piece that I had laying around. Rocks are fake apoxie sculpt pieces with HO scale...

Viking/Saxon Skirmishers

 One thing that my viking horde, sorely missed was more skirmishers.  To fill that void, I'm going to be using the Gripping Beast Plastic Dark Ages models.  They are very cool models, these are converted up as slingers, but they also make great bondi or...

Additional vikings and mayhem….

 What are vikings without some mayhem?  The above mini is from Old Glory, using a spare axe.Below another berserker.Another converted Gripping Beast....  And mini from Foundry.....getting closer to some paint.

More vikings.

Getting some more vikings ready for paint.  I needed a few more berserkers, so I picked up the Warlord Games barbarians to convert up a few.The armored torsos below also make for some dynamic models with little effort.  If I was a young viking, I would have...