Black Orcs!!!

With the demise of WHFB, my orc army bashing 'da humans is never going to see the light of day.These are a batch of my Black Orcs.  I have ton of these guys modeled up and will be looking to send them to a good home at some point.The idea was to make them a bit...

I’m Back!!!

Wow....its been awhile now hasn't it?  Well I'm still in recovery mode, but getting much better.  I even got out quite a bit on the race track, won some races, ran pretty fast.  Still adjusting to the balance issues and hearing loss. My taste buds are...

Chaos War Mammoth WIP update

I've made considerable progress since you last saw this.  Quite frankly its looked liked this for about 3 weeks now as I have worked on other things. Above you can see I have started on the chaosing of the Mumak, adding horns where there should not be any. ...

Car Wars —- Mad Max affliction

Don't know sometimes.....saw Dave Taylor messing around with car wars and I had this Hot Wheels '71 Plymouth sitting on my desk for ages and it got a little close to some of my bits sitting around on the table and things transpired.....I'm likely not done with it yet,...

Saxon Miniatures’ Vikings

Just received my shipment of Vikings from Saxon Miniatures.  Very nice looking sculpts for the most part.  I'll probably do a detailed review of the minis and some scale comparisons, very much look to be in-line scale wise with Gripping Beast.