Attack of the Danes….First Complete Viking Unit #1

I've had these done for quite awhile now, just never got around to photographing them properly, circa 2013.  I've really been enjoying reading Saxon and Viking history and historical fiction for the last few years, so I was really quite happy putting these...

Roman Auxiliaries Finished

I finished painting these just prior to my surgery.  Yesterday I finally shot them with clear and photographed them.  24 Warlord Games Roman Auxiliaries.I've decided that I have too many Romans at the moment with another two units built.  So I'm...

Madhouse Workshop Facebook Page

Well after much internal debate, I decided to launch a Madhouse Workshop Facebook page.  I've been using it a bit to follow a lot of various artists and game manufacturers that are on FB, and have decided I'll throw my hat in that ring also.  Quite awhile...

Progress on the War Mammoth Howdah

 I chose Apoxie Sculpt for doing the wood grain on the Howdah.  Main reason for this is that it stays workable much longer than Green Stuff.Side and front shots of the wood grain.  I think its turning out very good.  A week ago I probably could not...

A new Chaos War Mammoth in WIP

So, back into the closet we go....and we find a LotR Mummak.  So next project is create a new Chaos War Mammoth, this time for my mutant marauder chaos army.  Above is the assembled howdah for the mammoth.  Not sure I will keep the back slide piece yet,...