Health Update….at home lengthy recovery

THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE KIND WORDS, WELL WISHES, THOUGHTS, AND PRAYERS.  I'm still very tired and weak at the moment, but at home.Had surgery Feb. 10, was in the ICU most of the following day and left the hospital 3 days after the surgery, 11 hour surgery, the...

Health Problems

I apologize to my blog readers for the inactivity lately. I had planned to be much more active after the kart racing season had ended and after I had completed those Romans. Since the season ended and while I was working on those Romans, I started having some health...
Centurions! …..Painted

Centurions! …..Painted

 The Centurions for the unit that I painted up.  The models are good, but a little stale in the pose. Definitely fun and easy to paint.And these two will be going up for sale also.  Shields included, loose, and no flock on the bases.
Additional Roman Commanders Painted

Additional Roman Commanders Painted

 These next two are pretty cool models also.  Enjoyed painting them.  Also have several single painted shields for them. I'm happy with the paint on them.  Left the bases open for the future owner to flock. I really like this guy. ...
Roman Commander Painted

Roman Commander Painted

 You did not think I would paint an entire unit without some command and centurions did you? I didn't think so.  This is probably my favorite model out of the group of Caesarian Romans that I painted up.  Very cool pose.Like the unit, I left the...