Painted up some Foundry Romans

Painted up some Foundry Romans

 Been working on these guys for awhile.  A large unit of 24 Romans.  These are really nice miniatures to paint even if there are very few poses. I gave them a very generic base, something that someone else can add their own flock to, as I will be...
A few more Vikings

A few more Vikings

 Like the Crusaders I still have a bit more work to do in adding static grass and such, but these are essentially done.  They are a mix of parts from three different manufacturers.  The two on the left are Warlord Games barbarians with Gripping Beast...
Second batch of Crusader foot knights

Second batch of Crusader foot knights

 This is the second batch, still needs the static grass and floc added, but basically done.  I have some spearmen already painted in the same scheme.These are all Conquest Games plastics.  Next up some more Vikings.
My Crusades army gets some additions

My Crusades army gets some additions

 I had a fairly small unit of foot for my crusades army, so I wanted to add some more models to that unit.  Most of the models, all of the ones with swords are Conquest Games plastics Normans. I still need to add the static grass and floc that you see on the...
A new Crusader

A new Crusader

 I have a fairly good sized batch of minis to add to my Crusader army, this is the first mini from that batch that is mostly made up of the plastic Conquest Games foot knights.Paint scheme fits with the crusaders, just need to add all of the grass tufts to the...