Anglo-Danish Huscarls…. 4 More Figs

Anglo-Danish Huscarls…. 4 More Figs

 Some more of the Anglo-Danish dane-axe wielders.  Most of them are Foundry minis.  Very generic bases at the moment.  Pretty fast paint jobs for me, but they turned out quite well.
Huscarls in Paint

Huscarls in Paint

So I'm slowly plugging away at getting some stuff done.  I've had these Foundry model for awhile, have a few more of them.They are not great looking minis, but they are quite easy to paint.One of the single models below, haven't floc'd the bases yet.  What...
Viking Berserker

Viking Berserker

 I'm continuing to expand my Vikings, another berserker was in order.  Much like the other that I built for my Viking army this one was built from a leftover Warlord Games barbarian, with parts from the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings.     I'm...
New Chaos Spawn Paint WIP

New Chaos Spawn Paint WIP

Well been a while since my last post.  I'm recovering from injuring my back working around the homestead which consequently screwed up my racing for a couple of weeks, but has allowed me some time to sling some paint on a chaos spawn that has sat on my desk for...

Purchased a new camera

I purchased a new Nikon digital SLR camera.  Still figuring it out.   BUT since I now hope to be a much better camera since my work camera is not very good and my old Nikon died on me, expect some pictures of Viking army units and figures soon.  I...