A GW Rant at Spikey Bits

Things have been a bit busy around here and I have not really gotten anything done on miniatures.  I don't think I have lost the steam or desire, just have a limited amount of time and been working quite a bit.  I also have built with my dad two karts and...

BoLS Article RE: Victor Hardy

I saw the following interview posted on Bell of Lost Souls where they had interviewed Victor Hardy.  Victor built and painted some simply beautifully evil pieces a number of years back.  His dark style has definitely been one of the influences on my style of...

FOR SALE: 40k Chaos Spacemarine BITS

Having built my latest Chaos Spacemarines which I recently sold on Ebay, I've essentially ran out of legs and such.  As a result of this, I've decided to thin out a bits box that I could use for something else.So that said I have put up the following on Ebay, a...