WIP On the Desk:  How I Paint Red for my armies…..

WIP On the Desk: How I Paint Red for my armies…..

Over the years, I have painted a lot of miniatures in a red paint scheme for my armies.  I have often been asked what colors I use and when I tell people they think:  A.  Games Workshop is the only one that makes paints.  or B.  They think its...

2013 Year Ending – My Hobby Review

And so 2013 is soon coming to an end. This will be my last post of this year. The year like last seems to have flown by. Maybe its just that I'm getting old or something. Much like I did last year, I have decided to do a sort of summary and a comparison of sorts. So I...
WIP On the Desk:  Chaos Spawn

WIP On the Desk: Chaos Spawn

Been awhile since I have painted any chaos and love of spawns returned me to the Chaos.  I often name the spawns something stupid, not sure what I will name this one, so if you have a suggestion, post it.  On this one I went a bit wild with...