WIP On the Desk:  I see Saxon winter work

WIP On the Desk: I see Saxon winter work

 So quite awhile ago I started building Saxons.  The last couple of nights I've spent a little bit of time getting things based up to prep for priming this huge horde of Saxons and a few other pieces.I'll probably spend a couple of months painting these and...
Fresh Paint

Fresh Paint

 Well this looks much better than the battle damaged version from the end of the season.  Got all the glass work done.  And my dad shot all of the color.We managed to reassemble this weekend.  Still need to put it on the scales and check the...
WIP On the Desk:  Progress on the Viking Saga

WIP On the Desk: Progress on the Viking Saga

Made good progress on the Viking portion of the Saga minis.  Most of which have been converted.  I'm also working on putting together some terrain features for my gaming table. One of those pieces is the Longship in the background.I managed to get all of the...
WIP On the Desk:  The Saga continues…

WIP On the Desk: The Saga continues…

Been busy lately with some house projects and kart projects, but I snuck in some hobby time.  Recently, I've been reading over the SAGA rules and decided to switch projects after a mental block on the greek project.  So back to the Dark Ages for awhile until...
Old Stuff Wednesday – November:  Beastman Chariot #2

Old Stuff Wednesday – November: Beastman Chariot #2

Back to my old Beastmen Army from 2003, the second of two chariots.  Don't remember everything about this one, but I did convert the gor rider with the great sword, and the driver is one of the old metal beastmen.I painted the bestigor in red face paint,...