2013 Quincy, Vintage Kart Racing – Heat Race #2

Not my best finishes, but fun none the less in the vintage kart, and it was only about 95 degrees F doing it in this race.  The first Heat Race I finished 2nd, this one I started deep in the field.  I got held up in traffic and by the time I got...

Last Arguement of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

While on the road at the Quincy track I finished the book the Last Argument of Kings book number 3 of the First Law trilogy during my overnight stay.  It took me quite awhile to get through this book as I put it down and got busy with a number of other things...
WIP On the Desk:  The Start of a New Project

WIP On the Desk: The Start of a New Project

Well no racing this weekend so, time to start a new project.  I have several on going projects, but this one is going to get front billing for some time to come and the others will get mixed in gradually.  This is the beginning of my Greek project. ...
burn notice….I’ll miss it.

burn notice….I’ll miss it.

I began watching the series from the very first episode a long time ago, as I liked the previous quirky acting of Jeffery Donovan from his previous stuff.  And then there was Bruce Campbell and of course I like cars and this had that slick black Challenger. ...