My Painted Romans – Unit D

 Next up, is the finished painted Early Imperial Roman Unit, that I call Unit D.  Something that I always do is write on the bottom of my model's base what unit they are with and what number in the ranking they are with.  I do like how this unit turned...

Early Imperial Roman Engineers Unit – A Painted

 Being an engineer by trade, I've always been a fan of Roman engineers and what they were able to create, and yea the detractors will say well they did that with slave labor blah blah blah.  Whatever, that was in the past.  Here is Unit A of my EIR...

The Finished Painted EIR Roman Blue Unit

 Here is my somewhat finished Early Imperial Roman unit that I just simply call the Blue Unit.  I say somewhat finished, because I forgot to paint the Signifier in blue or white.  So I borrowed this one from the surplus of command figs that I have.As I...

Some tidbits of my Warlord Games EIR Blue Unit

These are the Centurion, Optio, and one of the models that I gave the cavalry mask for fun, from the EIR unit that I'm calling the Blue Unit since its the only one that is blue in color.  Below you see the backside of the models. I'm really happy how these guys...

Warlord Games Early Imperial Roman Conversions

 I've discussed this before with Warlord Games EIR.  There is one of the poses in that plastic set that I've often disliked and get annoyed with.  I've been finishing up all of Warlord Games EIR, so prepare yourselves for an Epic Blog run of  the...