Red Box Games Sorcerer Painted…

I don't know how long I have had this model, partially painted on my desk.  Seems like forever.I decided to do a little light sourcing on the energy ball in his hands.  Had been thinking about doing that forever as well.Here you see the back.  I really...

Blood Rage Shield-Maiden Viking

I have a couple of these from the CMON Blood Rage game.  They are in part based of off some Adrian Smith designs.This is a pretty cool miniature.The one disappointing thing on the model is shield though. Not exactly sure what I will be doing with this model. 

A Roman Gladiator in Paint

This is a Warlord Games Model. Pretty cool model.  You will note that the basing is similar to my Roman armies.  There is a reason for that.  I am in the process of converting a pile of miniatures into Roman Gladiators.Most of the models will....well...

A Slaanesh Avatars of War Lord of Chaos

This is one sick miniature, in a good sort of way.  It really has some great character.I'm not going to lie, its a bit of a pain in the ass to paint, with super fine detail.The cape just screamed to be painted in skintones.  Little bit gross when you think...