by Rathstar | Jul 8, 2014
Hi,The last time my wolves went to a tournament it was a 1250 point tournament in Janruary.Here they are before a pre tournament test game:To say the Wolves did poorly is an understatement. The plan was that the Wolf Guard with combi weapons would alpha strike a...
by Rathstar | Jun 23, 2014
Hi,So I'm a third of my way through the 10 weeks with one tournament and 4 games under my belt. As well as getting the 4 tournament games in I'm managed to get in 2 games at my local GW and another 2 against my mates tournament winning Eldar army (also my 1st 2...
by Rathstar | May 27, 2014
Hi,First I'd like to say that I really like 7th edition. The quality of the rulebook, and the fact that they split the rulebook from the fluff and hobby sections so you don't have to carry them to games is great.I particularly like the increased clarity they...
by Rathstar | May 24, 2014
Hi,I've only had the new 7th edition rulebook for just over 24 hours now, and I'm now getting to the stage where I'm coming accross very small rule changes that can easy go under the radar compared to the more dramatic changes from 6th edition.Now most of the big...
by Rathstar | May 23, 2014
[Disclaimer: I will only be looking from the view point of Battleforged armies, as I believe Unbound is designed (and intended) to be used for fluffy narratives playing between gaming buddies or perspecially organised events, and NOT pick-up games]Hi,By the time...