Kimchi’s  back, ALRIGHT!

Kimchi’s back, ALRIGHT!

Guess who's back, back again?  Guess who's back, tell a friend (just not your mom). That's right nerds your favorite 40k hater is back after my annual summer blogging vacation.  I would call it a sabbatical but than I would be lying because I haven't...
7th edition FAQ Notable Changes That Matter to Me.

7th edition FAQ Notable Changes That Matter to Me.

So today Games Workshop released the first FAQ/Erratas for the 7th edition Warhammer 40k codices.  Unsurprisingly, the older codices got the most new love (or hate) and though I was hoping for a 7th edition rulebook Errata it WAS just released so we'll have to...
To: Games Workshop  Re: 7th edition

To: Games Workshop Re: 7th edition

Dear Games Workshop,My name is Rawdogger and I'm writing to you today to let you know that I'm sick of your shit.  All we wanted was updated 6th edition rule set.  A tightening up of the rules and perhaps a couple changes to the ally matrix to stop some of...
Warhammer 40k 7th Edition Inbound and Down!

Warhammer 40k 7th Edition Inbound and Down!

In the past few days we've received mostly reliable information pointing towards a late May release date for a new Warhammer 40k edition.  I'll be the first to admit that a change was desperately needed.  GW really shot themselves in the foot with the 6th...
Not This Week in 40K

Not This Week in 40K

Hello all,So after 6 weeks of turd pictures, swears, and more man on man prison rape jokes than you can shake a stick at I've come to the conclusion that there just isn't enough 40K material that I am interested in to write an article on the subject every week....