New Space Marine Codex in THREE…TWO…MEH

New Space Marine Codex in THREE…TWO…MEH

Used with permission from JervisHello everyone!  I'm back from my wargaming and blogging hiatus (my real world job got INTENSE!!11!) and Jesus tap dancing Christ wouldn't you know it a fucking codex gets released.   Not just any codex, mind you, but the...

Something’s Stirring in the Jungle

No, that title's not a euphemism I use when asking my fiance to have 'relations' , though it most likely will be from now on.  I'm actually going to give Warhammer Fantasy a start again, which I even find surprising.  Let me throw it down for you.  Two...

Rawdogger on the Radio?

So my friend Carl asked me to come down to Yahoo headquarters and participate in his podcast, The Independent Characters, this past weekend.  I've been a fan of his podcast since I began really participating in the hobby back when I was living in Korea, so to get...