Why Tau Will Rock Your Face 100% of the Time

This past weekend I went to a local RTT that also happened to be a qualifier for the upcoming Feast of Blades tournament in Denver, Colorado.  I brought what I THOUGHT would be a tournament winning Dark Angels/Imperial Guard 1850 point list.  I won't lie, I...

Rawdogger’s IC Review: Astorath the Grim

Hello all,Here is the first in a series of posts titled Raw Dogger's Review: Independent Characters.  As you might have surmised, I will be giving my reviews on random independent characters from various codices throughout the 40k game system.  The reviews...

The Curious Case of Christina Campbell

If you had 'identity fraud' as the next issue to plague our wargaming community, step up and claim your prize! What prize you may ask?  A swift kick to the nuts.  Yes, the 40k wargaming podcast community (this is a thing) was recently 'catfished' in a...

Terminator Ain’t No Hollaback Girl!

Hello gentle readers, today I want to talk about something that really gets my goat.  A topic that really grinds my gears.  An issue that violently slaps my nuts (like that's a bad thing...).  The idea that all units should be able to eliminate...

A turd by any other name….

....... is my Grey Knight's list that I took to a local 1750 point tournament this past weekend.  I don't want to go through the entire list again, and one needs to look no further than my last post (over a week ago) to see the list in detail.  Let's just...