by Rawdogger | Jun 17, 2013
This past weekend I went to a local RTT that also happened to be a qualifier for the upcoming Feast of Blades tournament in Denver, Colorado. I brought what I THOUGHT would be a tournament winning Dark Angels/Imperial Guard 1850 point list. I won't lie, I...
by Rawdogger | Jun 10, 2013
Hello all,Here is the first in a series of posts titled Raw Dogger's Review: Independent Characters. As you might have surmised, I will be giving my reviews on random independent characters from various codices throughout the 40k game system. The reviews...
by Rawdogger | Jun 4, 2013
If you had 'identity fraud' as the next issue to plague our wargaming community, step up and claim your prize! What prize you may ask? A swift kick to the nuts. Yes, the 40k wargaming podcast community (this is a thing) was recently 'catfished' in a...
by Rawdogger | May 24, 2013
Hello gentle readers, today I want to talk about something that really gets my goat. A topic that really grinds my gears. An issue that violently slaps my nuts (like that's a bad thing...). The idea that all units should be able to eliminate...
by Rawdogger | May 16, 2013
....... is my Grey Knight's list that I took to a local 1750 point tournament this past weekend. I don't want to go through the entire list again, and one needs to look no further than my last post (over a week ago) to see the list in detail. Let's just...