Behemoth WIP – Flawless Victory

Behemoth WIP – Flawless Victory

That's right, I'm excited enough to use Zelda sounds. My charity project is done!I promised you guys I'd try to capture the effects of the preshading, but I just can't grab it in an entire picture. So here is a look at the highlighting on his left shoulder. I love how...
Behemoth WIP – The Writing on the Rock

Behemoth WIP – The Writing on the Rock

Work continued on the Behemoth. I finished up the metals without messing up which was a huge relief after all the cleanup I was having to do last night. After that I went over all the metals with a careful application of black wash [and forgot to take a photo,...
Behemoth WIP – Overt Subtlety

Behemoth WIP – Overt Subtlety

There's nothing like my back telling me I can't paint to make me really want to paint. After years of back problems I finally herniated a disc a few weeks ago, so I've been watching several primed models taunt me for some time (plus a few future commissions I...


Back in June I did a review of the Card Hunter beta I was taking part in. I ended the beta feeling pleased with the game, although there were definitely some things that needed tweaking (namely, bland battlefields and overpriced money items). The actual game released...

Are "Timeless Games" Timeless?

IGN has tried this new thing where they feature thoughtful articles that make the reader stop and think. It stands in stark contrast to the rest of the site, but I love the intellectual discussion of games! I just read one today that asks how long a video game can...