Brain Training

Friday night I was lying in bed trying to figure out how I could improve my game of Warmachine. I already know that strategy and protecting my caster are my bigger weaknesses, but how can I remedy it? Playing a single game of Warmachine requires a lot of logistics -...
Gaming Table Trials – A Tale of Fail

Gaming Table Trials – A Tale of Fail

After I did some poking and prodding on my table I realized that the grass really wouldn't stand up to actual use. I also didn't like how bare most of the table looked, so I figured I'd kill two birds and seal the bottom grass with spray adhesive, sprinkle more grass...

The Kids Aren’t All Right

[Warning: Mild spoilers for Walking Dead Season 4 premier and The Last of Us]I just finished watching the season 4 premier of The Walking Dead. For something that's supposed to get people excited about the new season it fell pretty flat, but it did serve to introduce...

My Top 10 – Tabletop Games I Want to Play

Tuesday's post really got me thinking about all those games out there that I'd really like to play on a more regular basis. Not that it's remotely feasible to learn the rules for 10 more game systems, especially with my need to fully understand the rules before I'm...

October Giveaway

Click here to go to the entry page! Here's the stuff you miss if you have annotations turned off: I will paint a large-based model or basic vehicle, in addition to the $25 option. Winners will need to pay shipping. I hate to ask you guys pay anything, but it's...