Hardcore Diaries – Minecraft Is Hard(core)

Hardcore Diaries – Minecraft Is Hard(core)

When playing a game on hardcore mode, there are no continues and no extra lives. If you die, all of your progress is completely deleted. I've never played a hardcore game because the pressure of spending hours, only to die because someone was talking to you while...

Thank You for Who We Are, Yamauchi.

For those that haven't heard, Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away. While few may recognize the name, almost all of us owe the entirety of our geekiness to him. Yamauchi was the Nintendo president that first made the push to turn Nintendo in to a video game company, and...

Looking Out Both Windows

On Tuesdays and Thursdays my daughter comes with me to pick up Max from preschool so I can drop her off at a her own school. This week I borrowed my mother's van so I could haul Emma's friend as well, which put Emma on the other side of the car. As we were driving she...

Is Bad Appreciation Better Than None?

I've been blown away ever since I bought a PS3 and became a premium subscriber. Not only did I get some great games just for signing on, but the sheer volume of games Sony gives me each month is nuts. I've gotten Hitman Absolution and Battlefield 3, games that's only...

All Day, Every Day

Blogging about gaming for the past 9 months has had some exhausting times. Today, for example, I find myself not really wanting to think about gaming. What?! To a degree, it's true. This blogging journey has been excellent for getting me to enjoy a much deeper level...