The More Things Change

In the past I've admitted that I love the Call of Duty series. It's fast-paced, non-stop, and always fun. With the tenth game in the series, Call of Duty Ghosts, set to release in November I've seen a lot of whining on any article or video talking about it. "Call of...

Change of Plans

So I'm sitting in the ER with my wife and her hemorrhaging uterus, trying to come up with a blog topic for tonight. I course the plan was to do this at home with a can of Pepsi (my muse drink) sitting in front of me. But here I am in a room that smells mildly of...

Paint to Play?

Muse on Minis recently talked about a topic that has apparently been a point of contention amongst competitive players. Although I'm not a competitive player in any sense, I still had some thoughts on the matter I wanted to share. As I understand it the debate has two...

Facebook Likes and Giveaway Results Extravaganza!

I've got quite the busy video. I recently hit 100+ likes on my Facebook page, so a huge thanks to everyone who helped make that happen! I truly do appreciate everyone who has encouraged me to keep this thing going until December 31st (and maybe beyond!) Now then,...
Brush Blush

Brush Blush

My friend Josh loves making me uncomfortable with off-color humor. I'm not a prude (I suppose that's what all prudes say), but I've never known how to react to jokes that are outside how I normally think. I'm finding this to be true of painting miniatures as well....