by Ray Burns | Sep 10, 2013
In the past I've admitted that I love the Call of Duty series. It's fast-paced, non-stop, and always fun. With the tenth game in the series, Call of Duty Ghosts, set to release in November I've seen a lot of whining on any article or video talking about it. "Call of...
by Ray Burns | Sep 9, 2013
So I'm sitting in the ER with my wife and her hemorrhaging uterus, trying to come up with a blog topic for tonight. I course the plan was to do this at home with a can of Pepsi (my muse drink) sitting in front of me. But here I am in a room that smells mildly of...
by Ray Burns | Sep 8, 2013
Muse on Minis recently talked about a topic that has apparently been a point of contention amongst competitive players. Although I'm not a competitive player in any sense, I still had some thoughts on the matter I wanted to share. As I understand it the debate has two...
by Ray Burns | Sep 7, 2013
I've got quite the busy video. I recently hit 100+ likes on my Facebook page, so a huge thanks to everyone who helped make that happen! I truly do appreciate everyone who has encouraged me to keep this thing going until December 31st (and maybe beyond!) Now then,...
by Ray Burns | Sep 6, 2013
My friend Josh loves making me uncomfortable with off-color humor. I'm not a prude (I suppose that's what all prudes say), but I've never known how to react to jokes that are outside how I normally think. I'm finding this to be true of painting miniatures as well....