

Every time I work on a piece of terrain, I find myself loving the process more and more. Lately I've spent more time looking at terrain how-tos and galleries than painted minis. About a week ago I saw a nifty tutorial on making a water feature with cork as the base...

My Top 10 – Atypical Comic Book Movies

I see a lot of "Best Comic Book Movies" lists on places like or, but the popular Marvel and DC franchises are always so dominant that it becomes a pretty boring read. "Oh hey, Batman and X-Men again. Woo..." While I haven't seen...
My Top 10 – Warmachine Rules Mistakes

My Top 10 – Warmachine Rules Mistakes

Hi, I'm Ray, and I'm a rules lawyer. In my group, I'm usually expected to know all the rules. If I don't, I get beaten with pool cues (we play in a friend's pool room, so for all you know I'm serious!) Out of self-preservation and a hatred for playing wrong, I like to...

My Top 10 – Experiences My Kids Will Miss

We all have memories of classic gaming experiences. And like those old guys who yell at us to turn our music down, I find myself lamenting the fact that my kids won't get to experience some of the things I did simply because they're becoming antiquated. So here are...

My Top 10 – Birthday Presents

I'm 28 today, which means I'm continuing on toward that age when I'll start asking for a gift card to Geriatrics R Us instead of Gamestop. So in an effort to battle my eventual initiation in to adulthood, here are the 10 best birthday presents I've ever received....